Since 1998
Consultant for Organic Trade + Organisational Development in Germany, Europe, worldwide
Major assignments in the public sector (besides regularly in the private sector):
2010/11 Team leader Enhancing Organic Farming in Turkey for FAO and Turkish Agric. Ministry,
Team leader Organic Agriculture Development Southeast – Anatolia for UNDP, GAP Administration
2009 Initiator/Director IFOAM Trade Forum at ANUGA, Cologne, Germany
2008 Senior Consultant Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Mongolia for IAK / GTZ
2006-2008 Senior Consultant Organic Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Croatia
2006 Senior Consultant Farmer’s situation in water catchment areas in Northern Germany
2004–2006 Senior Consultant Organic Action-Plan + Marketing in Saudi Arabia for GTZ and KSA
2004 Author: The European Market for Organic and Fairtrade Products from West Africa for FAO
2004 Initiator/Director Future Search Organic Market North-Rhine-Westphalia for NRW Ministry
2003 Senior Consultant Network Development German Organic Food Service Supply
2002 Senior Consultant Development of for UNEP / GEF /GTZ
2001 Author India Organic Spices – Market Survey in Europe for ITC UNCTAD/WTO
2000 Senior Consultant Organic Supplies for Food service at EXPO 2000 Hannover
1999 Senior Consultant Organic Food & Beverages World Supplies and Major European Markets
for International Trade Center UNCTAD/WTO
1980-98 Organic extension, economy, marketing and quality from field to fork
1996-98 General Manager BioFrischmarkt, pioneer organic supermarket
1994-96 Head of Quality Auditors/Organic Inspectors + Ecology Spokesman Milupa AG, Baby Food
1992-93 Product Manager Naturkind “all eco” Kaiser‘s/Tengelmann-Retail-Group
1989-91 Consultant Organic Food and Farming incl. Market study D, DK, NL, UK for EC Commission
1980-89 Founder + Head Ökoring Lower Saxony, agric. production, marketing, economy
1969-79 Whole foods and organic beginning, basics and studies
1975-79 MSc studies in Agriculture University of Göttingen, plant production + soil sciences
1977 Initiator Symposium Organic Farming at Göttingen University with 1,200 participants
1969-74 Studies and travel, theatre, social work, group dynamics, road manager, postman, advertising agent, poster trade, organic grower D, CH, Brazil, USA, UK and already customer at Mr. Natural, Sailergasse, Zürich; Oshawa-Zentrale Düsseldorf; Neal‘s Yard Whole Foods, Covent Garden, London; Bread + Puppet Theatre New York and Montpellier, Vermont, USA
work on place: over 30 years of experience
in leadership and consultancy on all levels of supply and value
chains from farmers, co-operatives, traders, importers, processors
to wholesale and retail, catering and food multiples in 30 countries
of Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia.
Customers and clients from agriculture, trade, industry, banks,
NGOs, government and UN organisations
Colleagues in respective networks around the world:
Agriculture (member IFOAM Forum of Consultants, DLG-Deutsche
Food Trade (member of the board IFOAM Trade Forum)
Living Leadership + Participation (Trainer +Co-owner Genuine
Contact™, member self e.G., Berlin)
Partners in Collaboration as a basic value for sustainably successful
work and development
My wife:
Advanced trainings and collaboration:
* Advanced training in organisational work: Genuine ContactTM Train the Trainer
Certificate, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, The Genuine Contact Program more working with groups and large groups:
Open Space Technology and Real Time Strategic Change with Dr. Matthias zur Bonsen
and Sabine Bredemeyer, Worldwork with Dr. Max Schupbach, Presencing with Dr.
Claus O. Scharmer and Rudi Ballreich
* Advanced training and collaboration in marketing: Niedersächsische Marketinggesellschaft,
CMA Bonn, DHI/EHI Cologne, Gottlieb-Duttweiler-Institut Zürich, Universities
( Hannover, Göttingen, Gh Kassel, IfH Cologne, Hohenheim), Haest Consultancy
for the Organic Industry, Brussels
* Advanced training and collaboration in economics: agricultural chamber Hannover,
Betriebswirtschaftliches Büro, Göttingen, DLG, KTBL a.o.
* Advanced training and collaboration in organics: organic associations, institutes,
certifiers and controlling bodies Demeter, Bioland, Naturland, Ökosiegel,
Gäa, IFOAM, SÖL, Bundesverband Naturkost, Louis-Bolk-Institut Netherlands,
FIBL Switzerland, Gh Kassel Witzenhausen, founding member International Independent
Inspectors Group Copenhagen, BCS Nuremberg, Ecocert International France, GfRS
Göttingen, SKAL Netherlands, IMO Switzerland
* Focus in agricultural studies at Goetingen University: Plant production and
soil sciences, master thesis: Humus content in sandy soils of Lower Saxony in
relation to natural conditions and human management